Magnesium Mist
Magnesium Mist
Magnesium mist in a 2 oz spray bottle
Magnesium is essential for all functions in the body! Add to your nightly routine by spraying the bottom of your feet and legs. Can aid in quality rest, muscle relaxation from cramps and restlessness, can help digestive troubles, and anxiety.
Ingredients: magnesium chloride and distilled water -- unscented or scented with essential oil of your choice.
*sediment is natural, shake before use.
I rub the magnesium mist on my feet at night as well as my knee which has been bothering me. Since doing this, I have been sleeping better. Keep in mind, I did order the mist with lavender. I will definitely order again.
Magnesium Mist
I have only used it a few times so am not sure about how well it works yet.
Please check my email regarding the Good Heartburn Relief -- I only received one package and had ordered two!! Please send me the second package Linda Z